Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)

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May 4th, 2024 Review + Thoughts

I slept for so long as I couldn’t have any energy to get out of bed besides just necessities like making myself eat at least one meal today.

I try to not push myself too hard but I guess I really over did it yesterday because today’s fatigue was awful and unmanageable that wouldn’t go away even with hours of sleep and rest.

When I did finally get up; my shortness of breath came back but not as heavy as a few days ago thankfully as that day was really rough.

I really don’t know why I’m having this symptom all of a sudden and today I felt a bit unwell but I don’t think I have a fever or any sickness.

I suppose it’s just the weather?

My pulse was also a lot faster than it normally was when I was just laying down and not doing anything which isn’t really common for me.

I could feel my heart pounding when I pressed my fingers around my wrist despite not being anxious at all.

My stomach really hurt today after eating or drinking anything; I suspect it’s my Crohn’s disease.

Knee pain still there as always and I can’t put it in a position where I’m having to use it or put weight on it even sitting down but it hurts all the time regardless of what I’m doing.

Today was just a lot and I’m starting to feel overwhelmed with my health and everything wrong with it; all the appointments I’m going to have to have recently.

Sometimes I just want to lay down and cry while I ask why I can’t just have a healthy body.

#InflammatoryBowelDiseaseIBD #CrohnsDisease #MentalHealth #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #MajorDepressiveDisorder #GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder

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May 3rd, 2024 Review + Thoughts

Feeling tired but I was productive today!
I deep cleaned as much as my body let me though I had to divide and conquer with my time as it did require effort from my body more than most.

I was glad I was able to clean because in the morning, or more accurately when I woke up;

I was very out of breath and found difficulty breathing despite not having done really anything.

I tried laying down but it didn’t help which was odd to me because this only happened yesterday but in a less severe way slightly.

I had to sit up and try to take deep breaths while seated and remain calm even though it felt like trying to breathe air through a straw only.

It was weird, I also felt like there was something in my throat that was somewhat cold?

It lasted a long while but eventually went away thankfully so I could clean.

It happed again after talking but this time it felt like someone was pressing my throat harshly as it kind of hurt; matter of fact, it’s doing it right now!

I really don’t know why because it has never done this in the past.

Aside from that, my left knee hurt still and I can’t put it in certain positions as it makes the pain worse.

But that’s nothing new.

My win for today is that bad enough energy I cleaned! 🦋

#MentalHealth #ChronicPain #ChronicIllness #GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder #MajorDepressiveDisorder #InflammatoryBowelDiseaseIBD #CrohnsDisease

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May 2nd, 2024 Review + Thoughts

I’m not sure if this weight loss is healthy anymore even though I’m at a healthy weight which probably doesn’t make sense and I’m probably overthinking it.

But it’s just I’ve lost 20 lbs (or really more) so quickly without even trying and I keep dropping more and more with time.

I’ve been out of breath lately after just going up stairs; it’s a bit odd due to how severe the out of breath feeling was.

My clothes are so loose now and big on me.

I know supposedly losing weight is something that is looked at as a positive, it makes doctors happy but it’s just so much so fast with so little effort.

Really no effort at all.

I’m worried it will continue to drop past healthy weight because it is unintentional.

I don’t know why it keeps dropping.

I have IBD, Crohn’s, and perhaps this is the cause?

Anyone else with this condition dropping weight so quickly?

#MentalHealth #GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder #MajorDepressiveDisorder #CrohnsDisease #InflammatoryBowelDiseaseIBD

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April 30th, 2024 Review + Thoughts

A bit anxious as my day was very stressful because I had to take care of things medically related which exhausted me.

Advocating for my health is always a bit hard for me which is to be expected for my age I believe while I try and figure out what is wrong with me and who I need to see.

Which unfortunately is a difficult task.

Having to make appointments for multiple doctors and having to go and see new ones for a list of health issues and symptoms that never gets answered because there is nothing they can visibly see which is another pain of having an invisible illness.

Symptoms that don’t make sense to most doctors so I have to go to different doctors for them to also not know what is going on.

And then I wait a month only to have to wait for another more.

And then I have to get bloodwork done and/or imaging via x-ray or ultrasound.

Particularly with my kidney problem where I have too much calcium but with perfectly functioning kidneys that actually work better than most.

And I find it very depressing and overwhelming.

I can’t do anything fun because all the money goes to the doctor.

But then again I probably wouldn’t have had fun anyway due to the pain and chronic illness.

I’m not sure, this all just feels hopeless and a lost cause.

#MentalHealth #GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder #MajorDepressiveDisorder #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #CrohnsDisease #InflammatoryBowelDiseaseIBD #Undiagnosed

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April 28th, 2024 Review + Thoughts

Today was quiet.

I mostly slept all day today as a result of me not sleeping at all yesterday,

Was in too much pain to sleep again so I got exhausted easily today with everything.

I was also very dizzy and lightheaded perhaps as a result of not really eating enough unintentionally.

I don’t have any energy left so I’m cutting this review short,

My win for today is that I got to pet my dog while feeling anxious and my anxiety lowered due to petting her.

#MentalHealth #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #MajorDepressiveDisorder #GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder #InflammatoryBowelDiseaseIBD #CrohnsDisease

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Some interesting Facts from Netflix's New Documentary, 'Hack Your Health: The Secrets to your Gut'

The gut is the center of a biomedical revolution. This whole field is disrupting modern medicine.

Autism, Depression, Anxiety, Parkinsons, and Cancer are ALL related to the gut microbiome

Our gut affects our whole body. The gut is the second brain. Our brains have never existed without signals coming from the gut.

70% of our immune system lives in our gut.

You get your first habitable microbes when you are born out of your mother's womb. We shape our gut microbiome based on our experiences. The relationships you have, the pets you have, exercise, stress, the food you eat. Because of this, everyone has different microbiomes. It is a collection of microbial memories.

Knowing the microbiome is the key to health is key because you can't change your genes. BUT you can change your microbes by simple edits to your diet and lifestyle.

The modern-day microbiome is pretty unhealthy and is pushing up to this prevalent rise in chronic conditions such as hypertension, food allergies, diabetes, obesity, etc. The way we think about disease needs to change.

Changes to our environment. Western diet. the way babies are born (c-section), baby formula, sanitation, and antibiotics, all lead to decreased microbiome diversity, Exactly what we see in today's industrialized microbiome.

Currently, in the states, 60% of the calories eaten are ultra-processed and ultrally refined. This strips it of its natural ingredients and adds in a ton of processed sugars and chemicals.

When you look at quote healthy labels, it is hard to depict what is even in it. Most healthy labels are full of sugars and processed chemical components. Because of this, it is very hard to navigate what you should be eating. The food and wellness world is incredibly confusing.

Current recommendations in the United States recommend 28-40g of fiber per day, HOWEVER on average we are only eating 15g at most in the average American diet. The field of microbiome science is realizing we need to be eating access to 50g of fiber per day. If you don't feed your microbes fiber, they start to eat you. If you stop eating dietary fiber, the microbes need to start eating something. If there is no fiber, it will start to eat away at your mucosal gut lining and spread to various parts of your body, causing inflammation all over. Which can lead to many diseases such as IBD or IBS.

If a gut microbiome is very diverse and has a different variety of bacteria, then it can adapt to what life throws at us. A bouquet of possibilities.

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