Because of what happened, I deleted the last post. I am very sad and probably about to have an anxiety attack because of them being mentioned several times today (apart from here). I’m serious. Please censor them or don’t say any of them at all in the comments. #venting

Why can’t I have a good day??


I hate these words

• c*v*d-19 (o, i) or c*r*na (o, o)
• p*nd*m*c (a, e, i)
• q**rint*ne (ua, i)

Of course, I have more words that I hate.
But those three. It’s not fun or funny. Whenever I run into it, it either makes me sad or uncomfortable, or even angry. It just one reference to the uncensored words that can make me feel so down so easily. Idk why I’m even posting this, I doubt that anyone’s going to care

Also, please normalize trigger warnings.

#stress #Anxiety #AnxietyAttack #PleasePutTriggerWarnings #normalizetriggerwarnings