I’ve overheard someone fronting in our system one time (not on purpose) on a public walkie talkie app (I couldn’t because bad experiences), and this one other user was claiming that we’re in denial if you don’t find looks important even with personality. Ze (ze uses ze/zir pronouns) couldn’t relate along with another user and the same user called them hypocrites. (Remember when I said that I couldn’t because bad experiences?)

Why in the world are looks or “hotness” so important anyway?? /rh

I cannot relate to the whole “oh they’re hot” thing. It feels weird whenever I try to say it, which is why I don’t. It’s not because they look bad or anything like that, it’s just that I cannot relate, which is why I use words like “cute” or “cool” to describe others. It may be because I’m ace/aro-spec, and/or that I don’t even have that high of a sex drive in the first place.

But either way, looks are not - and never will be - important to me. It just feels so… wrong, and shallow at times. All I care about is personality and if you’re not a toxic individual, period.

I honestly have no idea if this even goes here, so I apologize if this doesn’t.

#personality #cantrelate