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Social anxiety keeps invading my mind😭

I have tingling in my hands, a headache and my heart is pounding again. I don't know what to do with myself. I keep finding myself sighing all day. I automatically look outwards and start overthinking about how everyone is judging me or I go back to a past memory and feel like a bad person or I worry about something that might happen because I'm a bad person. The loop is endless and keeps happening to me. I was listening to "the mind explained" on Netflix yesterday. The episode on anxiety mentioned a type of OCD thought pattern, which did sound similar to mine. I keep having obsessive thoughts and then I feel like a bad person. Like for instance now I sat down and took out my phone with my notes. I looked up and some people were passing and right then I needed to be admired. I keep needing validation from people around me. And when I find a fault in me, I expect people to see it and therefore see me as a fraud and judge me. I hate it that based on how people rate me is how I see myself and the funny thing is they aren't even rating me! I am, based on past criticism I heard or received. I guess another reason why I attach my attention on everyone around me is possibly because it feels less lonely. If I'm constantly thinking about what others think of me or what I think of them, I don't have time to be present with my loneliness and feelings of failure. And also the never ending loop of obsessing over the past and future. I think that comes from a need to feel in control and therefore safe.
Can anyone relate? Or is it just my head that's so cluttered 🙈😫 Any helpful therapy exercise I could do? I keep writing notes all day long but this never improves! I'm just more aware of this

#BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #ADHD #Anxiety #selfconcious #SocialAnxiety #clusterb


Living with someone who has untreated #PTSD #BPD

I love my husband majority of the time but his mental health has me questioning if I can keep my own sanity. He has untreated #PTSD I suppose he has undiagnosed and untreated  #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder which are the underlying causes of his  #Addiction and  #SubstanceAbuse issues. Mental health and Substance abuse are what I believe my calling, because lord knows my entire life has been dealing with such in one way or another.
My husband is a kind hearted manchild and is a wonderful father strangers love his personality and genuinely believe that he's an honest faithful and loving husband/father. He is in the #clusterb type of personality disorders.  #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder  #HistrionicPersonalityDisorder  #AntisocialPersonalityDisorder  #NarcissisticPersonalityDisorder
I used to think they were just learned behaviors however as we've grown up from our teenage years until now, I realize it's not just learned behaviors but serious under line issues that I'm not sure how to address. Since he chooses to be a 'salesman' in all his endeavours, in denial usually, and likes to try and convince the anyone who will listen, on a bad day, that he's totally normal and I'm the 'whack job'... I gravely dislike the term 'Whack Job' which may have something to do with why I really can't stand Italian men; still wondering why I married one.

too be continued... the monster has awoken.