Does anyone have this thing that some things at home have to be just at same at just right positions? And that all your stuff have just be right places and if you have something like a candle in the middle of the coffee table and you try and try to make to sure it’s really in the middle, but sometimes you don’t believe your own eyes and have to measure and and make sure it really it’s… This happens with other objects too. And it can get really frustrating because you can’t relax sometimes cause you are thinking about are everything is in line. Other thing I have I count things, when I walk upstairs I must always count the steps. When I walk down the stairs I can walk normally without counting… And also at home I have things I must do always the same amount of time. I have some kind of thing for numbers and I can’t understand why? Sorry for long post ☺️ #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder #countingthings #justrightocd #numbersocd