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Navigating Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) as a Single Parent: A Comprehensive Guide to Managing Challenges and Prioritizing Well-being


Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) is a chronic and debilitating condition that can significantly impact one's daily life. For a single parent, managing CRPS adds an extra layer of complexity to an already demanding role. This guide aims to provide comprehensive insights and practical strategies for single parents grappling with CRPS, offering support in navigating the challenges while prioritizing both physical and emotional well-being.

Understanding Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS)

It's crucial for single parents to have a solid understanding of CRPS to effectively manage the condition for themselves or their child.

Building a Support Network

Single parents with CRPS face unique challenges due to the absence of a partner to share responsibilities. Establishing a reliable support network is essential. This network may include friends, family, neighbors, or support groups for individuals with chronic pain conditions. Communicating openly about your needs and limitations can help others understand how to provide assistance when necessary.

Creating a Sustainable Routine

Single parenting requires careful time management, and adding CRPS to the equation demands an even more structured routine. Establishing a daily schedule that includes regular breaks for self-care and pain management is crucial. Prioritize essential tasks and## be realistic about what can be accomplished in a given day. This routine should also allow for flexibility to accommodate fluctuations in pain levels.

Accessible Home Environment

Adapting the home environment to accommodate CRPS is essential for both the parent and the child. Make adjustments to minimize physical strain, such as rearranging furniture for easy mobility and investing in ergonomic tools. Ensure that the child understands the limitations imposed by CRPS and involve them in maintaining an organized and accessible living space.

Managing Medical Appointments

CRPS often involves frequent medical appointments, which can be challenging for single parents managing household responsibilities and childcare. To streamline the process, consider scheduling multiple appointments on the same day when possible. Explore telehealth options for non-urgent consultations. Additionally, communicate with healthcare providers about your role as a single parent, and work together to develop a manageable treatment plan.

Emphasizing Self-Care

Single parents with CRPS may find themselves neglecting their own well-being while prioritizing the needs of their children. It's crucial to recognize the importance of self-care and to carve out time for activities that promote physical and mental health. This may include gentle exercises, mindfulness practices, and hobbies that provide joy and relaxation.

Effective Pain Management Strategies

Managing pain is a central aspect of navigating CRPS. Single parents must develop a toolbox of effective pain management strategies tailored to their lifestyle. This may include medication management, physical therapy exercises, heat or cold therapy, and alternative treatments such as acupuncture or massage. Consult with healthcare professionals to find a personalized approach that works best for your specific situation.

Educating and Communicating with Children

Children of single parents with CRPS may struggle to understand the complexities of the condition. Open and honest communication is key. Provide age-appropriate information about CRPS, emphasizing that it is not their fault and that you are working together to manage the challenges. Encourage questions and foster a supportive environment where both parent and child can express their feelings.

Financial Planning and Resources

Single parents may face financial strain due to the costs associated with CRPS, such as medical bills, therapies, and adaptive equipment. Investigate available resources, including government assistance programs, non-profit organizations, and local support groups. Create a budget that prioritizes essential needs and explore cost-saving strategies without compromising on health and well-being.

Building Resilience and Seeking Emotional Support

Living with CRPS can be emotionally draining, and single parents may experience additional stressors. Building resilience is crucial for coping with the emotional toll. Seek emotional support through counseling, support groups, or online communities. Learn to recognize signs of burnout and prioritize activities that promote emotional well-being, such as spending quality time with loved ones or engaging in enjoyable hobbies.


Navigating Complex Regional Pain Syndrome as a single parent is undeniably challenging, but with proactive planning and a strong support network, it is possible to effectively manage the condition while maintaining a fulfilling family life. By prioritizing self-care, effective pain management, and open communication with both healthcare professionals and children, single parents can navigate the complexities of CRPS with resilience and grace. Remember that seeking support is a sign of strength, and there are resources available to help lighten the load.

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Title: A Thoughtful Approach to New Year's Eve:


As the clock ticks away the final moments of the year, many people eagerly anticipate the arrival of New Year's Eve festivities. However, for individuals living with CRPS (Complex Regional Pain Syndrome), the excitement of the occasion may be accompanied by concerns about managing symptoms and ensuring a comfortable and enjoyable celebration. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore practical and thoughtful strategies that someone with CRPS can employ to prepare for New Year's Eve.

Understanding CRPS:

Before diving into the preparation tips, it's crucial to have a basic understanding of CRPS. Complex Regional Pain Syndrome is a chronic condition characterized by severe, often burning pain, inflammation, and changes in skin color and temperature, typically affecting a limb. The exact cause of CRPS is not fully understood, making its management complex and individualized, but as most of us living with the condition know, stress and the unknown play a huge part in causing a flare.

1. Consultation with Healthcare Professionals:

If you think it is appropriate, begin your preparations by consulting with your healthcare team. Schedule an appointment with your primary care physician, pain specialist, or physical therapist to discuss your plans for New Year's Eve. Share your concerns and seek advice on managing symptoms during the festivities.

2. Medication Management:

Ensure that your medications are up-to-date and well-stocked. Discuss any adjustments with your healthcare provider, such as changes in dosage or timing to accommodate the late-night celebrations. It's also advisable to carry a small supply of pain medications with you in case of unexpected flare-ups.

3. Comfortable Attire:

Choose clothing that is not only stylish but also comfortable. By opting for loose-fitting and soft fabrics that won't irritate your skin or exacerbate CRPS symptoms. Consider the temperature of the venue and dress accordingly to prevent discomfort due to temperature sensitivity.

4. Footwear Considerations:

If CRPS affects your lower limbs, carefully choose footwear that provides support and comfort. Avoid high heels or shoes that may put additional strain on your affected limb. Orthopedic shoes or supportive inserts may be beneficial in ensuring stability and reducing pain.

5. Plan:

Familiarize yourself with the venue and plan your movements accordingly. Identify seating areas, restrooms, and quiet spaces where you can take breaks if needed. Inform your friends or family about your condition, so they can offer support and understanding throughout the celebration.

5. Hydration and Nutrition:

Staying hydrated and maintaining proper nutrition are essential for managing CRPS symptoms. Bring a water bottle to the celebration and make mindful food choices. Avoid excessive consumption of alcohol, as it can interfere with medications and potentially worsen symptoms.

7. Pacing Yourself:

Pace yourself throughout the evening to avoid overexertion. Listen to your body and take breaks when necessary. Engage in activities that bring you joy but be mindful of the potential impact on your pain levels. Balancing participation and rest can be the key to enjoying a celebration without triggering a flare-up.

8. Temperature Regulation:

CRPS often involves temperature sensitivity, so be prepared for various weather conditions. Dress in layers to easily adjust to changes in temperature. If you're celebrating outdoors, bring a blanket or shawl to stay warm, or use a cooling device if the environment is too hot.

Mindful Stress Management:

New Year's Eve can be emotionally charged, and stress can exacerbate CRPS symptoms. Incorporate stress-reducing activities into your preparation, such as deep breathing exercises, meditation, or listening to calming music. Inform your close friends or family members about your needs and ask for their support in managing stressors.

10. Accessibility Considerations:

Confirm that the venue is accessible and inquire about accommodations if needed. Some venues may offer seating options, ramps, or other accessibility features that can enhance your overall experience. Advocate for your needs and communicate with event organizers if necessary.


By taking a thoughtful and proactive approach, individuals with CRPS can navigate New Year's Eve celebrations with greater comfort and enjoyment. Consultation with healthcare professionals, strategic planning, and open communication with friends and family are key elements in ensuring a positive experience. Remember that every individual's experience with CRPS is unique, so tailor these suggestions to align with your specific needs and preferences. With careful preparation and a supportive network, you can welcome the new year with a sense of joy and fulfilment despite the challenges posed by CRPS.

Lastly, on behalf of Billy and I, here is a pain free New Years Eve and a pain free 2024!

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The Intricate Dance Between CRPS and Weather: Unveiling the Mystery Behind Increased Pain

Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) is a perplexing condition where pain becomes a formidable companion for those affected. What's even more confounding is the apparent link between CRPS and weather fluctuations, particularly the exacerbation of symptoms during adverse weather conditions. In this exploration, we'll delve into the intricate relationship between CRPS and weather, aiming to demystify why individuals with CRPS often report heightened discomfort when the skies turn gloomy.

CRPS is a chronic pain condition characterized by intense and prolonged pain, typically in an arm or a leg. It is thought to occur after an injury, surgery, stroke, or heart attack. The nervous system appears to malfunction, sending exaggerated pain signals to the brain. This amplification of pain can be debilitating, affecting not only physical but also mental well-being.

The Weather Factor:

Many individuals with CRPS notice changes in their pain levels in response to weather variations. While scientific understanding is still evolving, several theories attempt to explain this phenomenon. One prominent theory is that changes in barometric pressure, temperature, and humidity can influence pain perception. Barometric pressure, in particular, seems to play a significant role. When atmospheric pressure drops, as it often does before bad weather, tissues may expand, putting pressure on nerves and intensifying pain.

Temperature fluctuations also play a role. Cold weather can cause blood vessels to constrict, reducing blood flow to affected areas and potentially increasing pain. Moreover, changes in humidity might affect joint fluid, making movement more painful for those with CRPS.

Biological Mechanisms:

To comprehend why weather affects CRPS, we must explore the biological mechanisms at play. The nervous system, already sensitized in CRPS, becomes more reactive to external stimuli. Barometric pressure changes may influence the fluid in joints, causing tissues to swell and compress nerves. Moreover, temperature shifts impact blood flow and muscle tension, further contributing to discomfort.

On a cellular level, the release of neurotransmitters and inflammatory mediators is intricately linked to both pain perception and weather changes. These fluctuations might trigger a cascade of events, heightening the pain experience for those with CRPS. Additionally, the psychological aspect cannot be overlooked; anticipating increased pain during bad weather might, in itself, intensify the perception of pain.

The Role of Inflammation:

Inflammation is a key player in CRPS, and weather changes can influence inflammatory processes in the body. When the weather worsens, the body may respond with increased inflammation, exacerbating pain for individuals with CRPS. The immune system's heightened activity during weather changes could contribute to the already existing inflammatory state in CRPS, amplifying the pain signals transmitted to the brain.

Coping Strategies and Future Directions:

Understanding the interplay between CRPS and weather empowers individuals to adopt effective coping strategies. While scientific research continues to unravel the complexities of this relationship, maintaining a consistent and personalized management plan is crucial. This might include a combination of medication, physical therapy, psychological support, and lifestyle adjustments.


In the intricate dance between CRPS and weather, science is slowly unveiling the steps. Acknowledging the influence of weather on pain perception provides valuable insights for both medical professionals and those navigating the challenges of CRPS. As research progresses, a more nuanced understanding of these connections will likely pave the way for targeted interventions, offering hope for improved management and enhanced quality of life for individuals affected by CRPS.

Follow me and my Disability Assistance Dog in our journey through living with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome

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4 reactions

We are finally getting national attention!#ComplexRegionalPainSyndrome #SmallFiberNeuropathy


UnitedHealthcare Bragged about $8.1 B in profit in 3 mos. made from people who pay them for health coverage. Their money model relies on denying people care–like Rights & Democracy NH member Jenn, who needs the care to manage serious illness.


#careovercost #CRPS #crpsawareness #CRPSWarrior #SFN #SmallFiberNeuropathy #peopleoverprofit

Demand that United Healthcare pay for Jenn’s life-saving treatment

Our friend Jenn Coffey, a member of Rights & Democracy from Manchester, New Hampshire, has spent 20 years of her life providing medical assistance to patients as an EMT and LNA in ambulances and emergency departments alike. Now, she’s in severe need of medical assistance herself but, faces resistance and outright denials from her private health insurance company, United Healthcare. Jenn has a United Healthcare Medicare (dis)Advantage plan. Coffey first got cancer when she was 30 in 2014 and again at 42 and had to undergo a mastectomy and reconstruction at the same time. As a result of her cancer treatments, she now suffers from Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) which causes intense pain that has kept her in the hospital for weeks at a time. There is currently no known cure for CRPS, but doctors have found ways to alleviate the pain for patients. Coffey needs ketamine infusions, and low dose naltrexone for her pain and long acting mestinon for vision and mental clarity . But she’s unable to pay for them, and has already sold most of her belongings to be able to pay for some of her treatments. United Healthcare refuses to cover these medications despite them being commonly prescribed to treat pain. “When I worked in medicine, I never imagined not treating a patient. [Someone] needs something, you go get it for them. But now, being on this side, I can’t access the same health care that I worked to get,” Coffey said. As a result of her conditions, she has not been able to work and relies on small SSI disability checks that cannot possibly cover her necessities. Coffey’s rent alone increased $400 last year. “There are treatments and things that can be done, but they’re held away from me by denials from United Healthcare not allowing me to have access to treatments. I have suffered so incredibly that I was in the hospital all the time, every month.” Now Coffey is forced to borrow money and sell more of her belongings to stay alive. United Healthcare, profited $20.1 billion last year alone. Now they are refusing to cover life-saving medical treatments for a policyholder who cannot pay. “If I don’t buy the treatment, I die.” Coffey said.

Mixed feelings: moving into an assisted living facility/adult family home due to severe, undertreated CRPS

Hello everyone, I joined this app today. Thank you, God, for giving me the strength to reach out to others.

In less than a day and a half, I'll be moving into an assisted living "adult family home" with 24/7 caregiver support.

I have severe CRPS along with several of its eccentric health issues. I'm 31 years old.

Lord, I pray I will always put my faith and trust in you to lead me through life's challenges.


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#CRPS #ComplexRegionalPainSyndrome

Thought I'd share a glimpse of CRPS life :
It's starts with severe flare up at months time... You can't feel your limbs, you charge your simulator more often then usual, it's cranked to 💯. you don't want to cancel plans so you don't miss out on life events with family and friends you smile through it all.
Until you no longer can.
It's finally caught up with you it's knocked you on your ass. Finally you have to listen ,Or else !!!!
You have a wonderful neuro/ pain management team they are best and then some.
Greatful - Just for your body to give up on you like a truck just knocked the life out of you and know one knows why.
Then you feel it again ( just for one second you seem normal-you pray Jehovah maybe today I am cured)
No come back to reality- the treatment has kicked it you can breath again, you gain partial sensory.
Hi ummm excuse me Nurse, I want to be Discharge please! You say... as you don't want to be a freak show ( they never encountered a or with CRPS / only in their text book / Google MD) you can hear them behind the curtain bed 7 (pt with CRPS never heard that before / oh wow pt doesn't even look it/ oh yes I heard about it geez what a life....)to those who don't know your diagnosis and ask you millions questions.
Greatful as This time just this time you happen to get a Dr who knows about your Dx is aware and knowledgeable, understands.
No problem Dr says. As she knows we'll meet again - for the next round.
When ? You don't know.
#CRPSWarrior #crpsawareness


Neridronic Acid Infusions #crpsawareness #CRPSWARRIORS

Hello Everyone!

I hope all of you are having soft, gentle, warm, and comforting days.
I want to share with everyone my experiences with Neridronic Acid Infusions for my 10 year long battle with CRPS.
To make a long story short, my body went from healthy to incapacitated. I could no longer even sit up or prop myself up in bed. My systems were shutting down. It started to progress rapidly and my physical decline took a drastic turn for the worse.
With no money and a pile of overdue bills, we were able to go to Italy for life-saving treatment. Our friends and family held fundraiser events, created a site for others who wanted to donate, they gave us funds, and lent us money.
I had the 4 infusions and came home (to Pennsylvania). It took a few months because I was so far gone. But it began to work. Now, a year and a half later, I can walk, stand for short periods, drive short distances again, and even go out to eat! This saved my life.
I was at The Dark Place beforehand, as I saw my ability to “take matters into my own hands” escaping. So I was all set up in the event that my mobility was on the verge of disappearing.
I just want you to know, that no matter where you are, no matter how badly you feel, please know, there IS HOPE. I know not everyone can get the funds to go to Italy. (If you can, I hope you go get the treatment). But this treatment is being tested in the US now. I do not know how long it will take. But there are patient trials happening all over the US. These Phase III Clinical Trials are the last step to FDA approval for the treatment of CRPS.
I just want to give you hope if you are in The Dark Place, or in a rough way having a tough day. I truly believe this is the cure. I believe we will all be healed if this wretched thing and each of us will have one heck of a story to tell, to inspire others.
Please don’t lose hope.
Soft hugs to all my fellow CRPS Warriors. ❤️
And thank you for reading this.



My Story #crpsfighter #EDSAwareness #crpsawareness

So, being I just joined and always love to raise awareness about everything, I figured I would share my story. When I was in kindergarten (6 years old), I got caught upside down on monkey bars, with my right foot/ankle between the bars. My mom took me immediately to the doctor to get xrays, they said it was nothing, just a sprain. Rinse and repeat for 5 years in 5th grade after countless doctors, countless people saying I'm faking this for attention, or milking it, or exaggerating, or it's all in my head. (I was almost 11 at this time) and they finally did an MRI after I cried at the state fair cause it hurt to walk and my mom finally realized I wasnt faking it for attention. So what happens? They discovered that I had shattered a bone from kindergarten, and had been walking on it for 5 years. They scheduled me for my 1st right ankle surgery to repair the shattered bone. Now it is 7th grade, I'm about 13 years old, and still having issues, so another MRI is done but from knee down instead of just ankle, and discovered that there were torn and shredded tendons and ligaments above my ankle, almost up to my mid-cap. Second surgery scheduled and done to repair the tendons and ligaments, but of course I'm still having issues. Physical Therapy, psychologists, orthopedic doctors, nerve conduction studies, etc etc. Until 2013, I was in the 10th grade and 16 years old, I had my 3rd surgery to remove pinched nerve that was trapped in the scar tissue and being pinched with every step, they fix a sagging muscle, scrape scar tissue, and close me up. I am STILL having issues, so at 17, 11 years after the initial injury, I was finally diagnosed with Complex Regional Pain Sydnrome/Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (CRPS/RSD) of my right foot and ankle. I have had it since kindergarten and the original injury caused it, and remission is only possible within the 1st year to 2 years. At 19, I went to the "best CRPS dr on the east coast" in Winston Salem(.2.5 hours away from my home) , he didnt believe I had it, and he said let's do a sympathetic nerve block and if it helps you have it if it doesnt you dont. Well that lovely procedure ended up making it spread to my hip from my foot/ankle. I ended up in ER on ketamine and dilaudid just so I wasnt passing out from pain. I went back to the doctor and he only sent his nurse in to speak with me. They thought I was grasping for pain killers and pretty much told me to get lost. I shortly found out after that I have Ehlers Danlos Syndrome as well. I lost my insurance almost 2 years ago, and have been steadily declining in health and mobility. So, here I am, 23 years old, having to use a cane to walk, and may have to graduate to a walker soon. And that's my story! Any questions, feel free to ask :)

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