If you’ve read my thought from a week back then this is a kind of continuation of that. For those who didn’t catch that one the TLDR is that my parents are going through a horrible divorce and it’s messing me up greatly. Basically now they’ve started using me as the middle man in their stupid game of divorced-couple telephone. And it’s so exhausting. It’s incredibly spirit-draining to have to say filter their words when most of it is just some condescending jab at each other. I’m sorry that this sounds so much like a rant, and that my thoughts comes out more childish than I thought it would. But I am absolutely crushed to be in the middle of all this. I thought my parents of all people should be the one to know to make this easy for me, and yet here I am: depressed and trauma-ridden. I was never one for love anyway but going through this kinda makes it impossible for me to ever consider opening up myself to the possibility of it. They’ve skewed my perception of love so much. God knows what else is gonna be ruined for me now. Haven’t even been able to watch or read anything with the word “family” in it -they’ve ruined that for me too. What a bust, life is right now. #Depression #DepressiveThoughts #Familytroubles #Sadness