I just wanted to start this morning off by reminding us that yes we all have a mental health condition called Bipolar Disorder in common & we all have our flaws, fits, mania, depression, etc bcuz of it, but we all have other traits that comes with having Bipolar & they're actually extraordinarily awesome traits! So next time you start feeling down on yourself bcuz you have Bipolar & you're having a bad day or for anyone having a bad day today already, I just wanted to remind each & every one of us, that we're still human & everyone has good & bad days & traits about them! And that you should always remember that bcuz of this disorder it makes us more sensitive & empathetic to the world around us & that's an amazing thing to me! So to sum it up, Good Morning & remember you're all amazing to me! 🌄✌️💚☯️💪🙋