I am at home most of the time. I don't have a job, so I'm at home with our 14 year old daughter who takes classes online. Housework inevitably lands in my lap. Housework takes me longer than it probably should.

Today, I have cleaned out the cat's litter box, emptied, washed and rinsed and dried, and filled back up. I took out kitchen scraps for composting and have dishes to deal with.

As I tap this out on my tablet, the sharp paint in my back shoots down both of my legs. The pain is the exact same pain that I felt when a spinal surgeon put a needle into my spine.

My wife is at work and I feel like I owe her this, despite my months of working with three fractured vertebrae resulting in degenerative disc disease.

My mum was right, housework is a job that nobody notices unless you DON'T do it. #Housework #housekeeping