Mold toxicity

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#LymeDisease #Mold toxicity

Hi, I am here to connect with others and learn more about lyme disease and mold toxicity. I was recently diagnosed with both and currently still live in a mold environment.

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I Am Allergic to Buildings

The first time I became overwhelmingly sick from a building, I was 20 years old. I had just moved into my own little house with a friend, and I was excited to clean the place up. It was a cute house but had not been taken care of properly. A rather musty smell prompted me to get to work and clean, so each day I set myself to work scrubbing off all the black patches which covered the entire walls of the bathroom, laundry and toilet.

Little did I know, I was about to experience a massive collapse in my health and my first experience with Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome, a serious illness that makes sufferers' bodies react severely to microscopic particles in their own homes.

CIRS, or Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome, is a condition in which the body becomes hyper-vulnerable to mould spores. In small quantities, mould spores are everywhere and are relatively harmless. However, they can build up in indoor environments which become very damp, due to structural issues such as water leaks. This is when people begin to notice the usual black spots on the ceiling or a musty odour in a particular room.

For the average person, patches of mould are unlikely to cause any noticeable problems. Their bodies are able to recognise and remove the inhaled toxins from the mould spores, and they can live and work in spaces with mould and remain unaffected.

However, for people with CIRS, the story is very different. Their bodies launch an all-around inflammatory attack when they are in the presence of mould spores and do not properly remove them. This can lead to debilitating physical and mental illness. Because mould-related symptomology is only just beginning to make its way into the mainstream, many people suffer for months to years before they figure out the root cause between their health collapse and their physical environment.

For myself, the indicators that I was experiencing this mould-related illness were a slow descent into deep fatigue and depression. Over a period of a few weeks since moving into my new house, I went from a happy, energetic and exercising 20-year-old to someone who was constantly tired, and too asthmatic to exercise. I felt pervasive emotional dread and I started to have strange conditions break out such as an itchy, painful rash all over my body and a strange metallic taste in the back of my mouth. My cognition became poor and I struggled to find joy in the activities that used to do.

Thankfully, I moved out and was able to recover with the help of a functional doctor who understands the condition well. However my extreme sensitivity to mould has remained, and if anything, increased over the years.

These days, I can tell immediately when I am entering a house with a mould problem. I feel foggy in the head, my breathing starts to seize up and become tight, and I notice an overwhelming lack of any energy. However, outside the physical effects, by far the worst impacts are the mental distress I experience as a result of my body’s reaction to mould. I experience severe depressive thoughts and become convinced that my life is on the verge of catastrophe. My mind becomes too foggy to draw or write. If I spend a considerable amount of time in the affected buildings, it can take me days to recover and feel human again.

I would say around one-third to a half of the houses in the UK, where I currently live, seem to trigger this reaction, and so renting homes and visiting friends has become very complicated.

Overall, I consider myself one of the lucky ones when it comes to this condition. Many people do not find out about the cause of their illness and become bedridden for years before the answer becomes apparent.

I do feel positive about one day being able to cure this condition. Certain experts in the field hypothesize that early childhood stressors cause the immune system to go over-drive in CIRS, and propose that certain nervous system calming tools and meditations might be able to reverse the condition.

I certainly hope so! If there is anything I believe in, it is that the body has the innate desire to heal itself.

#CIRS #Mold toxicity #Depression

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The Comparison Trap

It sometimes seems that God was in a macabre mood when he shuffled the card deck of our lives.

Being both an ambitious person and a chronically ill person can be a torturous combination. When we are well, or less ill, we are freed from our physical confines. Our minds race to all of the goals and dreams that we long to finally accomplish - the life we have always wanted comes within reach as we feel called to take action toward our goals.

When our illness returns we crash back down to reality. What seemed so possible and so real, has now disappeared far off into the distance, barely visible. We exist in a lurch between hope and despair, not quite able to trust the trajectory of our own lives.

Worst of all, it is perhaps the comparisons with well people that make us feel our worst. We Humans are experts in comparing ourselves, and the rise of social media serves only to exacerbate this problem. We cruelly cross-analyze every aspect of our lives with those around us- compare our financial situations, our outward appearances, and our major life milestones.

For the healthiest of people, this kind of behavior is already unhelpful; however when someone with a chronic illness falls into this trap it is especially problematic.

In comparing ourselves to healthy people, we end up creating an entirely unjust contest in our minds; discounting the time and energy that we have lost to our ill health. We ignore the cumulative effect of periods of severe unwellness that may have disrupted our routines for weeks or months.

We ignore the immense advantage gifted to someone able to focus on their goals without ever having to worry whether or not their body would be up to the task.

We ignore the financial effects of expensive treatments or long periods of non-work.

Quite simply, the healthy person and the chronically ill one are both human, and yet they inhabit vastly different worlds. Dealing with the burdens that our illnesses give us already presents us with enough challenges without the added torment of coming up inferior to someone who has had a completely different set of life experiences.

It is the least we can do to make a point not to compare our life trajectories with those people who have not experienced chronic illness. We have suffered enough.

#CFS #ChronicFatigue #CIRS #autoimmune #Mold toxicity

9 reactions

Mycotoxins and Mental Health

Here's an interesting question:

Are Highly Sensitive People genetically predisposed to mold allergy?


Is the fact that there are more HSPs than ever before directly proportional to the fact that fungi is becoming more and more of a problem in the food and water supply because of the evolution of these pathogens to become multi-treatment resistant?

Symptoms of exposure to mycotoxins in those with mold allergy presents differently from induvidual to individual. And, it can occur that even if several people in the same environment are exposed, only one will present in neuropsychiatric symptoms.

Perhaps, the genetic component and 'chemical imbalance' of a great many with both situational and non-situational mental health symptoms like anxiety, depression, emotion disregulation, mood swings, and suicidality is actually a genetic mold allergy. And, the reason prescriptions and therapies have limited affect and the symptoms worsen as the person ages is because of cumulative exposure to mycotixins. Therefore, no mental health prescriptives will elimate symptoms until the mold toxicity is eliminated in the body and brain.

If anyone doubts or thinks I'm 'reaching', just Google "Mycotoxins and Mental Health".

The sad thing is, there are very few medical professionals trained in mold toxicity and I would guess even fewer mental health practitioners who are. #mycotoxins #MoldPoisoning
#Mold toxicity

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Did food save my life? The right food did PART 4 #Aspergillosis #ChronicInflammatoryResponseSyndrome #PeripheralNeuropathy #Mold toxicity

This part wants to tell the story of my first close encounter with systemic mold (Aspergillosis) and the almost as devastating CIRS, Chronic Inflammatory Reaction Syndrome, that these encounter triggered. For once, food was not enough to fight this monster, but it definitely played a part.

In 2015 I moved to a house with a peculiar smell, like decades old curry. Everyone told me I was imagining it. For me the smell was overwhelming and sickening. The moment I set food it in, I started having intense allergy-like reactions, sneezing, swollen nose, bronchitis.

Why did I not leave? I had to study for some exams and I really wanted to pass them. I felt I had no other place to go. I was quite depressed for other reasons and I wanted to be with someone who cared for me. All this made me ignore my health and force myself to keep going. After all, it was just an allergy, probably to dust (I had been diagnosed one year earlier). Allergies will make you feel awful, but they won’t kill you, do they? So I thought.

I suffered more than expected for 6, 7, 8 months. In the meanwhile, strange, terrifying symptoms popped up: the usual discomfort and insensitivity in arms and legs that I had for many years (I discovered lately, thanks to never treated Epstein Barr Virus) became full blown neuropathic pain. VERY intense. A heatwave made me realise that my body had completely stopped sweating.

Two almost fatal heatstrokes, followed by hospitalisation and weeks of recovery on a mountain, suggested this new development was a problem. I didn’t immediately connect all this with what I thought was “just” an allergic reaction.

After 8 months I passed all my exams and, as I was suffering too much, I moved back to my old city.

After some weeks I started sweating again, in two months time I started feeling better. The peripheral neuropathy was still there, but less. One neurologist thought i had peripheral neuropathy for “idiopathic causes”, and said he would give me a diagnosis after I got an electromyography. Either the technician messed up badly, either there was something really wrong in my nerves (mold?) but the Electromygraphy gave me horrifying pains 24/7 and completely paralysed me for 3 good months. The neurologist's only comment: "it's not possible". How do you argue with that?

My mother had to move in with me because I couldn’t hold a cup or move my feet.

I was given Gabapentin which barely touched the pain. I promised myself that I would bear that only for maximum one year, and if in one year’s time it hadn’t improved, I promised myself that I would check out of life and be free of pain.

Again, I looked for natural remedies.

With crippled hands, I typed for hours each day and night (it’s not like I could sleep) searching for solutions. Google scholar came up with some surprising suggestions; research showed that sour cherries juice showed around 70% of the effectiveness of Gabapentin. After 3 articles about that, I sent my mother to look for sour cherries. The juice was not available but frozen sour cherries were very popular. I ate one pound of sour cherries. Weird, weird. Placebo effect? Who knows? Who cares?! the pain was cut in half.

I was not in agony anymore but still suffering. More searching. The essential oils of Frankincense and Helichrysum can help with peripheral neuropathy. Frankincense didn’t do much, but the ridiculously expensive Helichrysum worked! if only for some hours.

The anguish was lessening, I was finding solutions.

I read that fermented foods were useful in reducing

toxicity and reducing toxicity will help peripheral neuropathy.

I called a taxi and went to a specialised shop to buy bottles of kombucha and water kefir and fermented vegetables.

That didn’t help with the PN, but it made me discover that I was hosting a whole collection of parasites.

Finally I managed to find a simple protocol by a Bob Diamond who researched nutrients to heal peripheral nerves and who combined a really good list of supplements and foods. That helped immensely, and between that and getting rid of some parasites in six more months I had recovered most functionality (although I will never play guitar well again, thank you Electromyography technician).

I found a nice apartment to rent, moved in, and after two months I discovered the true source of all my troubles. Remember the house with the strange curry smell? All my stuff, 6k + books, two closets of clothes (my weaknesses) had been stored in that house while I was searching for a permanent apartment in the other city.

I was feeling pretty fine the day the boxes arrived, I had enjoyed some weeks of almost well being, then I opened the boxes and bam! nose swell instantly, like breathing in ground pepper, chest clenched strikes with instant bronchitis, eyes started to tear out, the pain in arms and legs was back. In two days time, again I could hardly stand. And the whole room I had put the boxes in smelled like ancient curry. This time things were clear.

I got a test kit for mold and I put it in the room with the boxes. 3 different species (Aspergillus Niger, Aspergillus Flavus and A. Fumigatus) came out.

But I was a newbie to the mold world and I didn’t know what to do. My poor mother came back again and we started washing. with all sorts of natural and chemical mold killers. At the end of all the washing, the clothes didn’t look worth keeping, and they still gave me a terrible reaction upon wearing them.

Same with books, precious research books and rare editions, we tried to cook them in the oven, douse them in baking soda, shower them with UV light, and finally enclosed them in individual ziplock bags. By this time, the whole apartment was giving me terrible reactions. We cleaned all the walls with essential oils, EM3, borax, alcohol, whatnot, to no avail. After two months of cleaning, I was again bedridden in constant suffering.


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Did food save my life? The right food did PART 4 #Aspergillosis #ChronicInflammatoryResponseSyndrome #PeripheralNeuropathy #Mold toxicity

This part wants to tell the story of my first close encounter with systemic mold (Aspergillosis) and the almost as devastating CIRS, Chronic Inflammatory Reaction Syndrome, that these encounter triggered. For once, food was not enough to fight this monster, but it definitely played a part.

In 2015 I moved to a house with a peculiar smell, like decades old curry. Everyone told me I was imagining it. For me the smell was overwhelming and sickening. The moment I set food it in, I started having intense allergy-like reactions, sneezing, swollen nose, bronchitis.

Why did I not leave? I had to study for some exams and I really wanted to pass them. I felt I had no other place to go. I was quite depressed for other reasons and I wanted to be with someone who cared for me. All this made me ignore my health and force myself to keep going. After all, it was just an allergy, probably to dust (I had been diagnosed one year earlier). Allergies will make you feel awful, but they won’t kill you, do they? So I thought.

I suffered more than expected for 6, 7, 8 months. In the meanwhile, strange, terrifying symptoms popped up: the usual discomfort and insensitivity in arms and legs that I had for many years (I discovered lately, thanks to never treated Epstein Barr Virus) became full blown neuropathic pain. VERY intense. A heatwave made me realise that my body had completely stopped sweating.

Two almost fatal heatstrokes, followed by hospitalisation and weeks of recovery on a mountain, suggested this new development was a problem. I didn’t immediately connect all this with what I thought was “just” an allergic reaction.

After 8 months I passed all my exams and, as I was suffering too much, I moved back to my old city.

After some weeks I started sweating again, in two months time I started feeling better. The peripheral neuropathy was still there, but less. One neurologist thought i had peripheral neuropathy for “idiopathic causes”, and said he would give me a diagnosis after I got an electromyography. Either the technician messed up badly, either there was something really wrong in my nerves (mold?) but the Electromygraphy gave me horrifying pains 24/7 and completely paralysed me for 3 good months. The neurologist's only comment: "it's not possible". How do you argue with that?

My mother had to move in with me because I couldn’t hold a cup or move my feet.

I was given Gabapentin which barely touched the pain. I promised myself that I would bear that only for maximum one year, and if in one year’s time it hadn’t improved, I promised myself that I would check out of life and be free of pain.

Again, I looked for natural remedies.

With crippled hands, I typed for hours each day and night (it’s not like I could sleep) searching for solutions. Google scholar came up with some surprising suggestions; research showed that sour cherries juice showed around 70% of the effectiveness of Gabapentin. After 3 articles about that, I sent my mother to look for sour cherries. The juice was not available but frozen sour cherries were very popular. I ate one pound of sour cherries. Weird, weird. Placebo effect? Who knows? Who cares?! the pain was cut in half.

I was not in agony anymore but still suffering. More searching. The essential oils of Frankincense and Helichrysum can help with peripheral neuropathy. Frankincense didn’t do much, but the ridiculously expensive Helichrysum worked! if only for some hours.

The anguish was lessening, I was finding solutions.

I read that fermented foods were useful in reducing

toxicity and reducing toxicity will help peripheral neuropathy.

I called a taxi and went to a specialised shop to buy bottles of kombucha and water kefir and fermented vegetables.

That didn’t help with the PN, but it made me discover that I was hosting a whole collection of parasites.

Finally I managed to find a simple protocol by a Bob Diamond who researched nutrients to heal peripheral nerves and who combined a really good list of supplements and foods. That helped immensely, and between that and getting rid of some parasites in six more months I had recovered most functionality (although I will never play guitar well again, thank you Electromyography technician).

I found a nice apartment to rent, moved in, and after two months I discovered the true source of all my troubles. Remember the house with the strange curry smell? All my stuff, 6k + books, two closets of clothes (my weaknesses) had been stored in that house while I was searching for a permanent apartment in the other city.

I was feeling pretty fine the day the boxes arrived, I had enjoyed some weeks of almost well being, then I opened the boxes and bam! nose swell instantly, like breathing in ground pepper, chest clenched strikes with instant bronchitis, eyes started to tear out, the pain in arms and legs was back. In two days time, again I could hardly stand. And the whole room I had put the boxes in smelled like ancient curry. This time things were clear.

I got a test kit for mold and I put it in the room with the boxes. 3 different species (Aspergillus Niger, Aspergillus Flavus and A. Fumigatus) came out.

But I was a newbie to the mold world and I didn’t know what to do. My poor mother came back again and we started washing. with all sorts of natural and chemical mold killers. At the end of all the washing, the clothes didn’t look worth keeping, and they still gave me a terrible reaction upon wearing them.

Same with books, precious research books and rare editions, we tried to cook them in the oven, douse them in baking soda, shower them with UV light, and finally enclosed them in individual ziplock bags. By this time, the whole apartment was giving me terrible reactions. We cleaned all the walls with essential oils, EM3, borax, alcohol, whatnot, to no avail. After two months of cleaning, I was again bedridden in constant suffering.

Thanks to some Facebook groups I learned about toxic mold. The members all said unanimously “toss everything”, but sadly I accepted their advice only after I cross contaminated the new apartment. Needless to say, I wasn’t used to losing everything I ever owned, so I plunged into a deep depression. It took me another month to bring all the boxes downstairs to the cellar and to begin accepting the new situation. (continue)

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Did food save my life? The right food did PART 4 #Aspergillosis #PeripheralNeuropathy #ChronicInflammatoryResponseSyndrome #Mold toxicity

This part wants to tell the story of my close encounters with systemic mold (Aspergillosis) and the almost as devastating CIRS, Chronic Inflammatory Reaction Syndrome, that these encounters triggered. For once, food was not enough to fight this monster, but it definitely played a part.

In 2015 I moved to a house with a peculiar smell, like decades old curry. Everyone told me I was imagining it. For me the smell was overwhelming and sickening. The moment I set food it in, I started having intense allergy-like reactions, sneezing, swollen nose, bronchitis.

Why did I not leave? I had to study for some exams and I really wanted to pass them. I felt I had no other place to go. I was quite depressed for other reasons and I wanted to be with someone who cared for me. All this made me ignore my health and force myself to keep going. After all, it was just an allergy, probably to dust (I had been diagnosed one year earlier). Allergies will make you feel awful, but they won’t kill you, do they? So I thought.

I suffered more than expected for 6, 7, 8 months. In the meanwhile, strange, terrifying symptoms popped up: the usual discomfort and insensitivity in arms and legs that I had for many years (I discovered lately, thanks to never treated Epstein Barr Virus) became full blown neuropathic pain. VERY intense. A heatwave made me realise that my body had stopped sweating, like, completely.

Two almost fatal heatstrokes, followed by hospitalisation and weeks of recovery on a mountain, suggested this new development was a problem.

I did connect this with what I thought was “just” an allergic reaction, but I had no idea how the two things could be connected.

After 8 months I passed all my exams and, as I was suffering too much, I moved back to my old city.

After some weeks I started sweating again, in two months time I started feeling better. The peripheral neuropathy was still there, but in lesser measure. One neurologist thought i had peripheral neuropathy for “idiopathic causes”, and said he would give me a diagnosis after I got an electromyography. Either the technician messed up badly, either there was something really wrong in my nerves (mold?) but the Electromygraphy gave me horrifying pains 24/7 and completely paralysed me for 3 good months. The neurologist's only comment: "it's not possible". How do you argue with that?

My mother had to move in with me because I couldn’t hold a cup or move my feet.

I was given Gabapentin which barely touched the pain. I promised myself that I would bear that only for maximum one year, and if in one year’s time it hadn’t improved, I promised myself that I would check out of life and be free of pain.

Again, I looked for natural remedies.

With crippled hands, I typed for hours each day and night (it’s not like I could sleep) searching for solutions. Google scholar came up with some surprising suggestions; research showed that sour cherries juice showed around 70% of the effectiveness of Gabapentin. After 3 articles about that, I sent my mother to look for sour cherries. The juice was not available but frozen sour cherries were very popular. I ate one pound of sour cherries. Weird, weird. Placebo effect? Who knows? Who cares?! the pain was cut in half.

I was not in agony anymore but still suffering. More searching. The essential oils of Frankincense and Elycrisum can help with peripheral neuropathy. Frankincense didn’t do much, but the ridiculously expensive Elycrysum worked! if only for some hours.

The anguish was lessening, I was finding solutions.

I read that fermented foods were useful in reducing

toxicity and reducing toxicity will help peripheral neuropathy.

I called a taxi and went to a specialised shop to buy bottles of kombucha and water kefir and fermented vegetables.

That didn’t help with the PN, but it made me discover that I was hosting a whole collection of parasites.

Finally I managed to find a simple protocol by a Bob Diamond who researched nutrients to heal peripheral nerves and who combined a really good list of supplements and foods. That helped immensely, and between that and getting rid of some parasites in six more months I had recovered most functionality (although I will never play guitar well again, thank you Electromyography technician).

I found a nice apartment to rent, moved in, and after two months I discovered the true source of all my troubles. Remember the house with the strange curry smell? All my stuff, 6k + books, two closets of clothes (my weaknesses) had been stored in that house while I was searching for a permanent apartment in the other city.

I was feeling pretty fine the day the boxes arrived, I had enjoyed some weeks of almost well being, then I opened the boxes and bam! nose swell instantly, like breathing in ground pepper, chest clenched strikes with instant bronchitis, eyes started to tear out, the pain in arms and legs was back. In two days time, again I could hardly stand. And the whole room I had put the boxes in smelled like ancient curry. This time things were clear.

I got a test kit for mold and I put it in the room with the boxes. 3 different species (Aspergillus Niger, Aspergillus Flavus and A. Fumigatus) came out.

But I was a newbie to the mold world and I didn’t know what to do. My poor mother came back again and we started washing. Like 8 rounds of washing, with all sorts of natural and chemical mold killers. At the end of all the washing, the clothes didn’t look worth keeping, and they still gave me a terrible reaction upon wearing them (weak knees, pain all over, random nerve pains like in teeth and sciatica, burning on the skin and my personal toxicity indicator, occipital neuralgia).

Same with books, precious research books and rare editions, we tried to cook them in the oven, douse them in baking soda, shower them with UV light, and finally resorted to enclose each of them in a ziplock bag. By this time, half of the new apartment was giving me terrible reactions. We cleaned all the walls with essential oils, EM3, borax, alcohol, whatnot, to no avail. Two whole months had passed in these amenities, and now I was again bedridden in constant suffering.

Thanks to some Facebook groups I learned about toxic mold. The members all said unanimously “toss everything”, but sadly I read it (or accepted their advice) too late, only after I cross contaminated the new apartment. Needless to say, I wasn’t used to losing everything I ever owned, so I plunged into a deep depression. It took me another month to bring all the boxes downstairs to the cellar and to begin accepting the new situation.

In the meanwhile the Great Parasite War was in full bloom, but I was winning it. I thought everything was sorted out in that department, but I was wrong.

My hydrocolon therapy lady suggested me Nystatin for candida, and just some days after, Lo and Behold, something new. A bit of candida, clearly recognisable (because, err, really white) but aside from that various pieces of an unseen before spongy beige / grey matter, as thick as my little finger, looking a bit like the inside of a mushroom.

(continue the gross, horrific mold story)


Did food save my life? The right food did PART 4 #PeripheralNeuropathy #Aspergillosis #ChronicInflammatoryResponseSyndrome #Mold toxicity

This part wants to tell the story of my close encounters with systemic mold (Aspergillosis) and the almost as devastating CIRS, Chronic Inflammatory Reaction Syndrome, that these encounters triggered. For once, food was not enough to fight this monster, but it definitely played a part.

In 2015 I moved to a house with a peculiar smell, like decades old curry. Everyone told me I was imagining it. For me the smell was overwhelming and sickening. The moment I set food it in, I started having intense allergy-like reactions, sneezing, swollen nose, bronchitis.

Why did I not leave? I had to study for some exams and I really wanted to pass them. I felt I had no other place to go. I was quite depressed for other reasons and I wanted to be with someone who cared for me. All this made me ignore my health and force myself to keep going. After all, it was just an allergy, probably to dust (I had been diagnosed one year earlier). Allergies will make you feel awful, but they won’t kill you, do they? So I thought.

I suffered more than expected for 6, 7, 8 months. In the meanwhile, strange, terrifying symptoms popped up: the usual discomfort and insensitivity in arms and legs that I had for many years (I discovered lately, thanks to never treated Epstein Barr Virus) became full blown neuropathic pain. VERY intense. A heatwave made me realise that my body had stopped sweating, like, completely.

Two almost fatal heatstrokes, followed by hospitalisation and weeks of recovery on a mountain, suggested this new development was a problem.

I did connect this with what I thought was “just” an allergic reaction, but I had no idea how the two things could be connected.

After 8 months I passed all my exams and, as I was suffering too much, I moved back to my old city.

After some weeks I started sweating again, in two months time I started feeling better. The peripheral neuropathy was still there, but in lesser measure. One neurologist thought i had peripheral neuropathy for “idiopathic causes”, and said he would give me a diagnosis after I got an electromyography. Either the technician messed up badly, either there was something really wrong in my nerves (mold?) but the Electromygraphy gave me horrifying pains 24/7 and completely paralysed me for 3 good months. The neurologist's only comment: "it's not possible". How do you argue with that?

My mother had to move in with me because I couldn’t hold a cup or move my feet.

I was given Gabapentin which barely touched the pain. I promised myself that I would bear that only for maximum one year, and if in one year’s time it hadn’t improved, I promised myself that I would check out of life and be free of pain.

Again, I looked for natural remedies.

With crippled hands, I typed for hours each day and night (it’s not like I could sleep) searching for solutions. Google scholar came up with some surprising suggestions; research showed that sour cherries juice showed around 70% of the effectiveness of Gabapentin. After 3 articles about that, I sent my mother to look for sour cherries. The juice was not available but frozen sour cherries were very popular. I ate one pound of sour cherries. Weird, weird. Placebo effect? Who knows? Who cares?! the pain was cut in half.

I was not in agony anymore but still suffering. More searching. The essential oils of Frankincense and Elycrisum can help with peripheral neuropathy. Frankincense didn’t do much, but the ridiculously expensive Elycrysum worked! if only for some hours.

The anguish was lessening, I was finding solutions.

I read that fermented foods were useful in reducing

toxicity and reducing toxicity will help peripheral neuropathy.

I called a taxi and went to a specialised shop to buy bottles of kombucha and water kefir and fermented vegetables.

That didn’t help with the PN, but it made me discover that I was hosting a whole collection of parasites.

Finally I managed to find a simple protocol by a Bob Diamond who researched nutrients to heal peripheral nerves and who combined a really good list of supplements and foods. That helped immensely, and between that and getting rid of some parasites in six more months I had recovered most functionality (although I will never play guitar properly again, thank you Electromyography technician).

I found a nice apartment to rent, moved in, and after two months I discovered the true source of all my troubles. Remember the house with the strange curry smell? All my stuff, 6k + books, two closets of clothes (my weaknesses) had been stored in that house while I was searching for a permanent apartment in the other city.

I was feeling pretty fine the day the boxes arrived, I had enjoyed some weeks of almost well being, then I opened the boxes and bam! nose swell instantly, like breathing in ground pepper, chest clenched strikes with instant bronchitis, eyes started to tear out, the pain in arms and legs was back. In two days time, again I could hardly stand. And the whole room I had put the boxes in smelled like ancient curry. This time things were clear.

I got a test kit for mold and I put it in the room with the boxes. 3 different species (Aspergillus Niger, Aspergillus Flavus and A. Fumigatus) came out.

But I was a newbie to the mold world and I didn’t know what to do. My poor mother came back again and we started washing. Like 8 rounds of washing, with all sorts of natural and chemical mold killers. At the end of all the washing, the clothes didn’t look worth keeping, and they still gave me a terrible reaction upon wearing them (weak knees, pain all over, random nerve pains like in teeth and sciatica, burning on the skin and my personal toxicity indicator, occipital neuralgia). Same with books, precious research books and rare editions, we tried to cook them in the oven, douse them in baking soda, shower them with UV light, and finally resorted to enclose each of them in a ziplock bag. By this time, half of the new apartment was giving me terrible reactions. We cleaned all the walls with essential oils, EM3, borax, alcohol, whatnot, to no avail. Two whole months had passed in these amenities, and now I was again bedridden in constant suffering.

Thanks to some Facebook groups I learned about toxic mold. The members all said unanimously “toss everything”, but sadly I read it (or accepted their advice) too late, only after I cross contaminated the new apartment. Needless to say, I wasn’t used to losing everything I ever owned, so I plunged into a deep depression. It took me another month to bring all the boxes downstairs to the cellar and to begin accepting the new situation.

In the meanwhile the Great Parasite War was in full bloom, but I was winning it. I thought everything was sorted out in that department, but I was wrong.

My hydrocolon therapy lady suggested me Nystatin for candida, and just some days after, Lo and Behold, something new. A bit of candida, clearly recognisable (because, err, really white) but aside from that various pieces of an unseen before spongy beige / grey matter, as thick as my little finger, looking a bit like the inside of a mushroom.

(continue the gross, horrific mold story)

See full photo

Did food save my life? The right food did PART 4 #Aspergillosis #ChronicInflammatoryResponseSyndrome #PeripheralNeuropathy #Mold toxicity

This part wants to tell the story of my close encounters with systemic mold (Aspergillosis) and the almost as devastating CIRS, Chronic Inflammatory Reaction Syndrome, that these encounters triggered. For once, food was not enough to fight this monster, but it definitely played a part.

In 2015 I moved to a house with a peculiar smell, like decades old curry. Everyone told me I was imagining it. For me the smell was overwhelming and sickening. The moment I set food it in, I started having intense allergy-like reactions, sneezing, swollen nose, bronchitis.

Why did I not leave? I had to study for some exams and I really wanted to pass them. I felt I had no other place to go. I was quite depressed for other reasons and I wanted to be with someone who cared for me. All this made me ignore my health and force myself to keep going. After all, it was just an allergy, probably to dust (I had been diagnosed one year earlier). Allergies will make you feel awful, but they won’t kill you, do they? So I thought.

I suffered more than expected for 6, 7, 8 months. In the meanwhile, strange, terrifying symptoms popped up: the usual discomfort and insensitivity in arms and legs that I had for many years (I discovered lately, thanks to never treated Epstein Barr Virus) became full blown neuropathic pain. VERY intense. A heatwave made me realise that my body had stopped sweating, like, completely.

Two almost fatal heatstrokes, followed by hospitalisation and weeks of recovery on a mountain, suggested this new development was a problem.

I did connect this with what I thought was “just” an allergic reaction, but I had no idea how the two things could be connected.

After 8 months I passed all my exams and, as I was suffering too much, I moved back to my old city.

After some weeks I started sweating again, in two months time I started feeling better. The peripheral neuropathy was still there, but in lesser measure. One neurologist thought i had peripheral neuropathy for “idiopathic causes”, and said he would give me a diagnosis after I got an electromyography. Either the technician messed up badly, either there was something really wrong in my nerves (mold?) but the Electromygraphy gave me horrifying pains 24/7 and completely paralysed me for 3 good months. The neurologist's only comment: "it's not possible". How do you argue with that?

My mother had to move in with me because I couldn’t hold a cup or move my feet.

I was given Gabapentin which barely touched the pain. I promised myself that I would bear that only for maximum one year, and if in one year’s time it hadn’t improved, I promised myself that I would check out of life and be free of pain.

Again, I looked for natural remedies.

With crippled hands, I typed for hours each day and night (it’s not like I could sleep) searching for solutions. Google scholar came up with some surprising suggestions; research showed that sour cherries juice showed around 70% of the effectiveness of Gabapentin. After 3 articles about that, I sent my mother to look for sour cherries. The juice was not available but frozen sour cherries were very popular. I ate one pound of sour cherries. Weird, weird. Placebo effect? Who knows? Who cares?! the pain was cut in half.

I was not in agony anymore but still suffering. More searching. The essential oils of Frankincense and Elycrisum can help with peripheral neuropathy. Frankincense didn’t do much, but the ridiculously expensive Elycrysum worked! if only for some hours.

The anguish was lessening, I was finding solutions.

I read that fermented foods were useful in reducing

toxicity and reducing toxicity will help peripheral neuropathy.

I called a taxi and went to a specialised shop to buy bottles of kombucha and water kefir and fermented vegetables.

That didn’t help with the PN, but it made me discover that I was hosting a whole collection of parasites.

Finally I managed to find a simple protocol by a Bob Diamond who researched nutrients to heal peripheral nerves and who combined a really good list of supplements and foods. That helped immensely, and between that and getting rid of some parasites in six more months I had recovered most functionality (although I will never play guitar well again, thank you Electromyography technician).

I found a nice apartment to rent, moved in, and after two months I discovered the true source of all my troubles. Remember the house with the strange curry smell? All my stuff, 6k + books, two closets of clothes (my weaknesses) had been stored in that house while I was searching for a permanent apartment in the other city.

I was feeling pretty fine the day the boxes arrived, I had enjoyed some weeks of almost well being, then I opened the boxes and bam! nose swell instantly, like breathing in ground pepper, chest clenched strikes with instant bronchitis, eyes started to tear out, the pain in arms and legs was back. In two days time, again I could hardly stand. And the whole room I had put the boxes in smelled like ancient curry. This time things were clear.

I got a test kit for mold and I put it in the room with the boxes. 3 different species (Aspergillus Niger, Aspergillus Flavus and A. Fumigatus) came out.

But I was a newbie in the mold world and I didn’t know what to do. My poor mother came back again and we started washing. Like 8 rounds of washing, with all sorts of natural and chemical mold killers. At the end of all the washing, the clothes didn’t look worth keeping, and they still gave me a terrible reaction upon wearing them (weak knees, pain all over, random nerve pains like in teeth and sciatica, burning on the skin and my personal toxicity indicator, occipital neuralgia).

Same with books, precious research books and rare editions, we tried to cook them in the oven, douse them in baking soda, shower them with UV light, and finally resorted to enclose each of them in a ziplock bag. By this time, half of the new apartment was giving me terrible reactions. We cleaned all the walls with essential oils, EM3, borax, alcohol, whatnot, to no avail. Two whole months had passed in these amenities, and now I was again bedridden in constant suffering.

Thanks to some Facebook groups I learned about toxic mold. The members all said unanimously “toss everything”, but sadly I read it (or accepted their advice) too late, only after I cross contaminated the new apartment. Needless to say, I wasn’t used to losing everything I ever owned, so I plunged into a deep depression. It took me another month to bring all the boxes downstairs to the cellar and to begin accepting the new situation.

In the meanwhile the Great Parasite War was in full bloom, but I was winning it. I thought everything was sorted out in that department, but I was wrong.

My hydrocolon therapy lady suggested me Nystatin for candida, and just some days after, Lo and Behold, something new. A bit of candida, clearly recognisable (because, err, really white) but aside from that various pieces of an unseen before spongy beige / grey matter, as thick as my little finger, looking a bit like the inside of a mushroom.

(continue the gross, horrific mold story)


Did food save my life? the right food did PART 4 #ChronicInflammatoryResponseSyndrome #Mold toxicity #PeripheralNeuropathy #Aspergillosis

Hindsight seems to be my main road to healing. Sadly, the enlightenment only arrives after years of struggling. Better than never, of course.

This part wants to tell the story of my close encounters with systemic mold (Aspergillosis) and the almost as devastating CIRS, Chronic Inflammatory Reaction Syndrome, that these encounters triggered. For once, food was not enough to fight this monster, but it definitely played a part.

In 2015 I moved to a house with a peculiar smell, like decades old curry. Everyone told me I was imagining it. For me the smell was overwhelming and sickening. The moment I set food it in, I started having intense allergy-like reactions, sneezing, swollen nose, bronchitis.

Why did I not leave? I had to study for some exams and I really wanted to pass them. I felt I had no other place to go. I was quite depressed for other reasons and I wanted to be with someone who cared for me. All this made me ignore my health and force myself to keep going. After all, it was just an allergy, probably to dust (I had been diagnosed one year earlier). Allergies will make you feel awful, but they won’t kill you, do they? So I thought.

I suffered more than expected for 6, 7, 8 months. In the meanwhile, strange, terrifying symptoms popped up: the usual discomfort and insensitivity in arms and legs that I had for many years (I discovered lately, thanks to never treated Epstein Barr Virus) became full blown neuropathic pain. VERY intense. A heatwave made me realise that my body had stopped sweating, like, completely.

Two almost fatal heatstrokes, followed by hospitalisation and weeks of recovery on a mountain, suggested this new development was a problem.

I did connect this with what I thought was “just” an allergic reaction, but I had no idea how the two things could be connected.

After 8 months I passed all my exams and, as I was suffering too much, I moved back to my old city.

After some weeks I started sweating again, in two months time I started feeling better. The peripheral neuropathy was still there, but in lesser measure. One neurologist thought i had peripheral neuropathy for “idiopathic causes”, and said he would give me a diagnosis after I got an electromyography. Either the technician messed up badly, either there was something really wrong in my nerves (mold?) but the Electromygraphy gave me horrifying pains 24/7 and completely paralysed me for 3 good months. The neurologist's only comment: "it's not possible". How do you argue with that?

My mother had to move in with me because I couldn’t hold a cup or move my feet.

I was given Gabapentin which barely touched the pain. I promised myself that I would bear that only for maximum one year, and if in one year’s time it hadn’t improved, I promised myself that I would check out of life and be free of pain.

Again, I looked for natural remedies.

With crippled hands, I typed for hours each day and night (it’s not like I could sleep) searching for solutions. Google scholar came up with some surprising suggestions; research showed that sour cherries juice showed around 70% of the effectiveness of Gabapentin. After 3 articles about that, I sent my mother to look for sour cherries. The juice was not available but frozen sour cherries were very popular. I ate one pound of sour cherries. Weird, weird. Placebo effect? Who knows? Who cares?! the pain was cut in half.

I was not in agony anymore but still suffering. More searching. The essential oils of Frankincense and Elycrisum can help with peripheral neuropathy. Frankincense didn’t do much, but the ridiculously expensive Elycrysum worked! if only for some hours.

The anguish was lessening, I was finding solutions.

I read that fermented foods were useful in reducing

toxicity and reducing toxicity will help peripheral neuropathy.

I called a taxi and went to a specialised shop to buy bottles of kombucha and water kefir and fermented vegetables.

That didn’t help with the PN, but it made me discover that I was hosting a whole collection of parasites.

Finally I managed to find a simple protocol by a Bob Diamond who researched nutrients to heal peripheral nerves and who combined a really good list of supplements and foods. That helped immensely, and between that and getting rid of some parasites in six more months I had recovered most functionality (although I will never play guitar well again, thank you Electromyography technician).

I found a nice apartment to rent, moved in, and after two months I discovered the true source of all my troubles. Remember the house with the strange curry smell? All my stuff, 6k + books, two closets of clothes (my weaknesses) had been stored in that house while I was searching for a permanent apartment in the other city.

I was feeling pretty fine the day the boxes arrived, I had enjoyed some weeks of almost well being, then I opened the boxes and bam! nose swell instantly, like breathing in ground pepper, chest clenched strikes with instant bronchitis, eyes started to tear out, the pain in arms and legs was back. In two days time, again I could hardly stand. And the whole room I had put the boxes in smelled like ancient curry. This time things were clear.

I got a test kit for mold and I put it in the room with the boxes. 3 different species (Aspergillus Niger, Aspergillus Flavus and A. Fumigatus) came out.

But I was a newbie in the mold world and I didn’t know what to do. My poor mother came back again and we started washing. Like 8 rounds of washing, with all sorts of natural and chemical mold killers. At the end of all the washing, the clothes didn’t look worth keeping, and they still gave me a terrible reaction upon wearing them (weak knees, pain all over, random nerve pains like in teeth and sciatica, burning on the skin and my personal toxicity indicator, occipital neuralgia).

Same with books, precious research books and rare editions, we tried to cook them in the oven, douse them in baking soda, shower them with UV light, and finally resorted to enclose each of them in a ziplock bag. By this time, half of the new apartment was giving me terrible reactions. We cleaned all the walls with essential oils, EM3, borax, alcohol, whatnot, to no avail. Two whole months had passed in these amenities, and now I was again bedridden in constant suffering.

Thanks to some Facebook groups I learned about toxic mold. The members all said unanimously “toss everything”, but sadly I read it (or accepted their advice) too late, only after I cross contaminated the new apartment. Needless to say, I wasn’t used to losing everything I ever owned, so I plunged into a deep depression. It took me another month to bring all the boxes downstairs to the cellar and to begin accepting the new situation.

In the meanwhile the Great Parasite War was in full bloom, but I was winning it. I thought everything was sorted out in that department, but I was wrong.

My hydrocolon therapy lady suggested me Nystatin for candida, and just some days after, Lo and Behold, something new. A bit of candida, clearly recognisable (because, err, really white) but aside from that various pieces of an unseen before spongy beige / grey matter, as thick as my little finger, looking a bit like the inside of a mushroom.

(continue the gross, horrific mold story)