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I couldn’t talk until the age of three

While I have since learned how to use my words,

communication is still hard for me.

It’s more complicated than nouns and verbs.

Conversation is a fickle art

It’s more than just words. It’s also tone,

and there’s no erasing after you start.

One bad move, and you could be left alone

Perhaps that is why I prefer to write

I can easily delete my mistakes

and give the illusion that I am bright.

The page is also a good hiding place.

But there is one small problem written word,

Once someone sees it, it’s there forever

#ADHD #MentalHealth #ImposterSyndrome #Depression #Anxiety #rejectionsensitivity #SocialAnxiety

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I'm forever a fish out of water

I'm forever a fish out of water

Yet throw me back in, I will still flounder

Because I always feel so out of place

I often wonder, why do I bother?

As a child, I was a late talker

Some thought I would have nothing to offer

And those who did not think that was the case

I’m forever a fish out of water

I am told these things have made me stronger

That I can navigate harsher waters.

If I can, it is not with any grace

And I better not be compelled to race.

I’m forever a fish out of water

#ADHD #Depression #Anxiety #MentalHealth #SocialAnxiety #neurodivergent #rejectionsensitivity

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