🤔🤨🧐 When I seen this I thought it was very interesting & something I've never really thought about actually. I've always known & was taught at school that trees & plants are a living species, just like we are! They need oxygen, water, sun light & sometimes a little bit of love & nurturing! Tree roots branch out so far underground, trying to find some other tree roots that it can come into contact with & prosper & make more trees! I've always been attracted to big trees my whole life! I used to be a tomboy & used to love climbing in trees & just being places where there's lots of beautiful big trees! I have always somehow knew this information, but never put 2 & 2 together until I seen this post online & started to think about all the times I was going through it or having an anxiety attack & I went for a walk & would find a nice big beautiful tree to sit under & I always walked away feeling so much better! I've always loved trees, always felt a special connection to trees, bcuz heck w/out them we couldn't survive! If the trees go away Mother Nature & our Earth 🌎 will be devastated beyond anything we can even imagine! So for the rest of my Mighty 💪 family here's a #Spoonieslifehack ✌️💖☯️💪🙋‍♀️