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27 days left
"I'm not comfortable discussing this with you."
"Thanks for your concern, but I can handle it."
"I can't attend, but I appreciate the invitation."
"I don't feel safe, so I'm going to leave."
"I'm allowed to change my mind."
"I won't be spoken to in that manner."
"I appreciate the gesture. In the future, I'd prefer..."
"I can't take on additional responsibilities right now."
21 reactions2 comments

Each worldview is dominated by a specific perspective that guides an individual’s outlook on life. Which one do you relate to most?

Choose one
26 days left
🌞 Optimist: I focus on the positive in life
☔️ Pessimist: I tend to expect the worst, am overly cautious
🤝 Realist: I see both the positive/negative. I’m practical.
46 reactions13 comments

have you come upon something that grabbed your attention , I have learned only this week the meaning of Haiku and how prevalent it has been throughout my entire life.

In my journey to discover how i can help myself, it’s extremely difficult to completely shut down my dark negative thoughts.

I have to write things don’t albeit on my iphone (i wrote more often when i was younger!)

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3 days left
1 reaction1 comment

Select all that apply
20 days left
🌈 Bright, bold paint colors
🌸 Patterned wallpaper
🖤 Neutral, beige, or black paint
🧱 Exposed or painted brick
🖼️ Fancy art, murals, or mirrors
🏆 Family heirlooms or sentimental knick knacks
📸 Personal photographs
🪵 Wood paneling
📚 Bookshelves anywhere and everywhere
🧐 Something else (comment below!)
43 reactions8 comments

Select all that apply
19 days left
Immediate family
Extended family
Spouse or partner
Doctor or other medical professionals
Online community connections (like The Mighty!)
Other (share in the comments)
76 reactions21 comments

Select all that apply
18 days left
Strong smells
Bright or flashing visuals/lights
Overlapping or loud noises
Uncomfortable materials and surfaces
Strong flavors or spice
Uncomfortable or intense emotion
Cognitive overwhelm (e.g., decision-making)
48 reactions8 comments

Let’s check in with each other. How ya holding up? (If you choose the last option, comment on the poll so others can lift you up.)

Choose one
12 days left
👻 What? A ghost? No symptoms in sight!
👍 They’re low but totally tolerable
📈 I can feel them ramping up, eek!
😔 I’m uncomfortable and can barely focus
🙅‍♂️ Today is a no good, very bad day
🚨 I’m in crisis mode and could use some support
🤷‍♀️ I’m not quite sure how I’m feeling
40 reactions9 comments

(P.S. In case you needed a reminder, you bring us Mighty joy every single day❣️)

Choose one
11 days left
All the time 🥳
Regularly 😇
Sometimes 🙂
From time to time 😕
I rarely feel joy 😔
I'm not sure, to be honest 🤔
71 reactions16 comments

Let me know how you guys are feeling today

7% ●
Very Happy
19% ●
Somewhat happy
33% ●
28% ●
Somewhat sad / irritated/ angry
13% ●
Very sad / irritated/ angry
88 votes
88 votes8 reactions3 comments

Select all that apply
10 days left
❤️ Romantic red
🧡 Optimistic orange
💛 Youthful yellow
💚 Grateful green
💙 Bold blue
💙💜 Intentional indigo
💜 Vibrant violet
🩷 Peaceful pink
64 reactions19 comments