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Always the different one

I've always been the different one in my family. I always had the most responsibility, but I also crashed the hardest when something didn't go the way I wanted it. When I was younger I genuinely didn't understand why I acted and thought the way I did...hell to this day it's sometimes hard to still understand it at times. I have a better reasoning now though. I'm still learning and growing from everything I can get my hands on. My diagnosis was a little more than 9 years ago and like most it was over looked at first. It wasn't until I was open about my self mutilation that I was finally diagnosed. My family runs a long line of various mental health issues, but this I feel by far is the worst one amongst them. You have no idea of ones self, no self-worth,self sabotage,risky behaviors that normal people wouldn't engage in,and a guilty feeling for even existing. I feel like such a burden most the time and the emptiness is so overwhelming it aches to my core. I also suffer from suicidal ideation that are so real that sometimes they scare me and I can literally feel the hair on the back of my neck stand up. I don't want you to think I'm not medicated or in therapy, because I am doing both. They do help ,but my demons are far to powerful most https://days.My wife is the only woman that tolerate the bullshit that embodies me and everything I throw at her. I think I'm always the victim, but I know deep down that I'm a narcissistic asshole most the time. i can only try to better myself and grow from everything. I am a lifer it seems, because it's been this long and there's been no remission. Heaven help, because lord knows I need it!
#BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #PersonalityDisorders #AnxietyDisorders #DepressiveDisorders #Bipolar1Disorder #Screwedup #Addictivebehavior #Narcassistic


It’s Been A Long Day #Bipolar2 #Depression #Lifelongbattle #SuicideSurvivor #Addictivebehavior

When everything seems to go wrong, my first solution is still suicide. I’ve only attempted once and that was 14 years ago. I don’t think I’ll ever try it again. It’s just where my mind goes. Burn it down!! End it all!! That’s my solution.