I realised today that lately I have had a really lousy attitude. With the change of direction with the charity my Wife and I run we are selling the property we bought for the charity. A sizeable amount of the proceeds will be used to fund a new charity initiative.

I have been working crazy hours painting, repairing and cleaning the house. Also I have been hiring and
co-ordinating electricians, flooring people, plumbers, carpenters and fencing people. We have had huge cost blowouts due to uncovering fresh problems.

This work load combined with hurting my back has resulted in me having a lousy attitude and that’s not ok. It’s true I am exhausted and in a lot of pain from doing lots of bending, however, I got to focus on the big picture.

The sale of the property will finance the new philanthropic program I have longed dreamt of. Yes the preparation process has been intense but it’s time limited. Redefining how the existing charity is run will bring much needed peace. And there would be no shortage of people who would love to have “the hassle of selling an investment property”.

Bottom line, my attitude has sucked. And using my mental illness as an excuse for my bad attitude is a cop out. I am responsible for how I manage the situation and definitely how I manage my attitude.