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Is it really being Passive aggressive?

I have tried to explain to my adult children why allowing their children watch YouTube unsupervised without parental controls is a very bad idea. That allowing the tv be a babysitter is a bad idea. Yet I find that my adult children don’t care what their little kids are absorbing.
I asked my older daughter where my grandson was. She shrugged while looking at her phone and said I thought he was with you or O. I said no. Then I stood up and said I’m going back to my room to watch my show. She asked what I was watching and I said, “something kids shouldn’t watch. Much like what D and O are watching in their rooms.” Passive aggressive? Maybe. But I think the question should be, am I wrong?
#passive aggressive behaviour #unsupervisedchildren



#what is a friend? #My definition. Someone that accepts you as you are. Someone that listens to you when you talk. #Not JUST GOSSIP. Someone that is there for you if they are able. #Someone you trust. Someone that doesn't try to change you. #Someone that doesn't get mad because you don't share the same interests. I try to be this person. Why is it so hard to find the same? With depression, anxiety and PTSD things are hard for me mentally. #Understanding helps. #Acceptance as is helps. #negativity doesn't help. #always complaining doesn't help. #Accepting flaws and differences without anger helps. We all suffer from SOMETHING, you can't expect people to do things at your pace. You can't think your way of life is THE WAY and people should be like you. #passive /aggressive behavior is hurtful too. #Rather be alone.


How can I communicate with my mom that her passive aggressive emails aren't helping? It's about my mom and her comments on my husband's behavior 😡

#passive aggressive behaviour