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Some thoughts on Secondary and Vicarious trauma

I suspect it is easier for people to understand trauma from physical events (war, car crashes, sexual abuse, etc), than it is to recognize and understand how psychological events (emotional abuse, vicarious exposure, abandonment) can be the onset of PTSD symptoms. I think it is because we accept material needs are part of our survival needs, but as a culture (or maybe just speak for myself I guess) does not accept relationships and emotional safety as a survival need. #PTSD #secondarytrauma #vicarioustrauma Along these lines one of the criteria for PTSD diagnosis is repeated exposure to the details of abuse and trauma events (e.g. child protection workers).

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Hello Mighty Pets

I've just joined and wanted to say hello and introduce my two long haired mini dachshunds, that Donnie (3 yrs old) on the left and Felix (5 yrs old) on the right. These boys love me whether I am struggling or coping well, they are both always happy to see me, but Donnie is way cuddlier than Felix. Donnie just loves his Mama and especially loves snuggling in my arms. #depressionandanxiety #overwhelmed #ChronicPain #vicarioustrauma #MightyPets #Dogs #dogshelp


#PTSD #Burnout #vicarioustrauma

I work as a case manager for kids in foster care. There’s a lot of vicarious trauma to add to my personal trauma history. I’ve been seeing a psychologist on and off for 11 years, pretty much monthly for the past couple of years, dealing with childhood sexual assault and an abusive marriage. she knows me really well. Anyway, I saw her on Friday and she told me I’m burnt out and need to take two weeks off work starting immediately. I have leave booked for the end of February but there’s no way I can bring it forward. I have so much to get done first.

Unfortunately people don’t or won’t understand that. If I go on leave without tidying up the loose ends I’ll just stress over things and not have a real break. I’m a single parent with adult kids, and have no family support. I have one friend I can talk to and she is adamant that I should follow my psychologist’s advice to the letter. I just need somebody who gets it. My manager at work is excellent, and she gets it but she’s got a whole team to consider, not just me.

Adding to all this is my absolute horror and being seen as weak and incapable of dealing with things. For me there is nothing worse.

I don’t know how to get through this.