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With HSP and PTSD, noises at night of any kind send my mind spinning. And when I know the noise is coming from someone who is doing it intentionally, I become a person who no one wants to know. #HSP #PTSD #depressionandanxiety

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Hello Mighty Pets

I've just joined and wanted to say hello and introduce my two long haired mini dachshunds, that Donnie (3 yrs old) on the left and Felix (5 yrs old) on the right. These boys love me whether I am struggling or coping well, they are both always happy to see me, but Donnie is way cuddlier than Felix. Donnie just loves his Mama and especially loves snuggling in my arms. #depressionandanxiety #overwhelmed #ChronicPain #vicarioustrauma #MightyPets #Dogs #dogshelp


Being Grateful #beinggrateful #depressionandanxiety

I find being grateful each day for the little things in my life that get me through the day. I'm grateful today for 1) Breathing a little easier - I've had pneumonia for the last 3 weeks but am finally seeing a change for the better 2) Family and friends who go out of their way to bring me food and supplies 3) The roof over my head 4) The food in my pantry 5) My old bed, with it's old, saggy mattress 6) Water 7) My cat Guy 8) My back-scatcher 9) My hobbies - just before I became ill, I began baking my own bread again, so I had what I needed when the world changed.  The smell of fresh-baked bread is amazing and the bread far better than store bought 10) The internet and all the other Mighties out there 11) Books 12) Videos 13) Solitaire...  I could go on and on



Yesterday, after a long time feeling down and having no energy to do anything, I finally stopped procrastinating some work and got it done. It’s very good to say that depression and anxiety didn’t get the best of me for once #Didmybest


School Bullies #depressionandanxiety

Today has been rough there are rumors constantly going around and its gotten to where i cant go in my class i sit outside on the floor in the hallway school sucks can someone please send encouragement #highschoolanxiety


New to this!

So this is my first post kinda nervous! Anyways I have fibro severe depression and anxiety, and PTSD and I could really use some people that understand because my family and friends have no idea what all I’m holding in. This past year has been a test on me I lost my grandpa, daddy, and grandma all unexpectedly in 11 months. I want to share my whole story but scared of the judgement. Just thinking about it gives me anxiety, but maybe if I have enough support I can #New #Fibro #depressionandanxiety


Need some advice and support please?

I’ve been signed off from work now for 2 weeks with work-related stress and depression. My sister doesn’t understand my condition and makes me feel like I am being stupid for being off and should just go back to work and get on with it. Saw Doctor this morning and when I mentioned this to her, she didn’t seem bothered, which didn’t help me at all. Stress at work is due to a difficult work colleague who seems to control everything and management doesn’t seem to be bothered how it’s affecting my mental health. All I want to do is sleep and not wake up. #Work related stress #depressionandanxiety


Need your help....

I recognize that I have a problem with taking care of everything and everyone before myself. I pledge that 2019 is going to be the year iake self-care a priority.
In an effort to hold myself accountable, I started a Vlog. I share my prayer list, my daily gratitude journal and book reviews.
Any thoughts on what I should name it. It is going to be real and raw.
#depressionandanxiety #traumathatwontstop

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