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Making a decision #BipolarDisorder #Survivor #Work #Career #Disability #AddictionRecovery

I love my job! I am a Certified Peer Advocate and I get to deal with clients on a daily via phone to follow them on their recovery from substance abuse. However, I keep making small mistakes that have now added up to a possible termination. As much as I love my job I also am more of a face to face type of person. The phone doesn't give me that option. So I remembered that when God wants to remove something from your life he throws roadblocks till I make that decision. I work part time as I am on disability and I have been wanting to get a full time job for awhile now. Maybe these minor mistakes are the road blocks! So with the help of friends I am talking out about this situation. Making a pro and con list, and I am writing it on here for some feedback. This is how my recovery works for me today. I reach out to others. WOW! I have definitely come a long way in my healing journey!

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How’s everyone’s Monday? I’m taking a stay-cation this week, I decided before I go back to writing my book. I decided this week to do an ACT course to learn about myself. What’s something you can do (big or small) for your mental health this week? #ADHD #Neurodiversity #Anxiety #Addiction #MentalHealth #AddictionRecovery

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As of today I’m 12 months and 1 day relapse free

What’s the best mental health advice you’ve ever gotten that motivates you in your mental health journey? Mine is before you help others you need to help yourself and also we’re more than our challenges and diagnosis. #ADHD #ADHDInGirls #MentalHealth #Depression #Motivation #AddictionRecovery #Neurodiversity

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If anyone finds recognizing their progress challenging here’s an article I wrote on that topic.

Defining the way we relate to our mental health challenges, emotions, diagnoses, and obstacles is paramount in fostering resilience and growth.

By cultivating self-awareness, developing healthy coping mechanisms, and seeking support when needed, individuals can transform their relationship with their mental health challenges. Progress, then, becomes a reflection of one’s ability to navigate these challenges with resilience, compassion, and a sense of agency, highlighting the transformative power of the journey itself.

A Peer Supporter's Guide to Understanding the Definition of ... #ADHD #Addiction #AddictionRecovery #ADHDInGirls #Anxiety #BipolarDepression #coping #Depression #Motivation


A Peer Supporter's Guide to Understanding the Definition of Progress in Our Mental Health Journey's

Why the way I approached progress at the beginning of my mental health journey was wrong?
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It’s nearly my 12 month anniversary of being relapse free.

Next month, I’ll be relapse-free for a year since I had my setback. I’m going to treat myself for this anniversary, I think. #Addiction #AddictionRecovery #MentalHealth

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Been here for a while. Struggling still.

I think this is one of the first times I've ever posted on here. I am currently struggling with my anxiety and depression. My anxiety has made it hard for me to be out and about for long before I'm ready to be in the comfort of my home. I'm a recovering alcoholic and addict. Struggling with vaping though I am listening to a good audiobook that seems like it's going to help me with that aspect.
I currently live with my parents until I get back up on my feet. It seems that it's taken longer for that to happen although that's the part of the alcoholic/addict brain, wanting that instant gratification. I am seeing a therapist and trying to get my medications balanced out which seems like they are at the present moment. I'm so thankful for the mighty! I feel like I can relate to a lot of you on here and I'm grateful for that. If anyone ever feels like chatting, just send me a message as I would love to have a larger support group as well as making friends.
I've reached a point in my life where I'm just tired of being around toxic people. All I want is to love myself and develop healthier relationships. I want less drama in my life although sometimes I know that all drama can't be avoided. Okay that's enough for my rambling. Just grateful that I found this place.

#MentalHealth #Depression #Anxiety #EssentialTremor #AddictionRecovery #Recovery

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