Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

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We're so glad you're here. Scroll down to find some of the Crohn's conversations happening in our community. The more, the merrier—jump in anytime!

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10 reasons to join the Crohn’s and Colitis Support Group

1. It’s full of other people with connections to IBD.
2. It’s a safe forum to ask any and all IBD questions.
3. It’s a way to connect with others on the Mighty community.
4. I’m one of the group leaders (living with #UlcerativeColitis ), and I’m pretty cool.
5. We want to normalize talking about poop.
6. We do Q&As with partners like Girls with Guts.
7. It’s a small but “Mighty” community that we want to grow.
8. It’s supportive.
9. Why not?
10. Do it today!

You can search the groups to join. #CrohnsDisease #InflammatoryBowelDiseaseIBD #ChronicIllness #IrritableBowelSyndromeIBS

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The Mighty's Crohn's Disease community is 76,000+ people strong, but there's always room for more. Follow along or join in today—whatever is comfortable for you!
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What is something you wish people knew about living with Crohn's?

What is something you wish people knew about living with Crohn's?

Your response may be used in an article or video on The Mighty.

#CrohnsDisease #ChronicIllness

We're here for you.

The Mighty is a safe, supportive community for people living with disabilities and the people who care for them.

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Infused by Melanie R.

I plead as I receive.
The blood was shed for me.
I placed it on the cross,
now blessings for the loss.

My spirit, soul, and body-
all healed…
Infused His name.
He carried it all on willfully
my suffering, for my gain.

An act of faith found worthy.
My savior,…blood was shed.
I take into my body,
the wine filled medicine.

She reached out with one touch.
A faith found strong and true.
For answers in the darkest night,
endurance shining through.

An answered prayer for healing,
soft on the wings of doves.
A witness to her suffering-
sent lifelines from above!

God is faithful! Stay strong Mighty health warriors! Healing will come!
IVIG immunotherapy was approved and will be started this week! Praise God for this healing and answered prayer!

#MitochondrialDisease #RareDisease #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #InsideTheMighty #RheumatoidArthritis #SjogrensSyndrome #HypothyroidismUnderactiveThyroidDisease #IrritableBowelSyndromeIBS #POTS #PosturalOrthostaticTachycardiaSyndrome

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Some interesting Facts from Netflix's New Documentary, 'Hack Your Health: The Secrets to your Gut'

The gut is the center of a biomedical revolution. This whole field is disrupting modern medicine.

Autism, Depression, Anxiety, Parkinsons, and Cancer are ALL related to the gut microbiome

Our gut affects our whole body. The gut is the second brain. Our brains have never existed without signals coming from the gut.

70% of our immune system lives in our gut.

You get your first habitable microbes when you are born out of your mother's womb. We shape our gut microbiome based on our experiences. The relationships you have, the pets you have, exercise, stress, the food you eat. Because of this, everyone has different microbiomes. It is a collection of microbial memories.

Knowing the microbiome is the key to health is key because you can't change your genes. BUT you can change your microbes by simple edits to your diet and lifestyle.

The modern-day microbiome is pretty unhealthy and is pushing up to this prevalent rise in chronic conditions such as hypertension, food allergies, diabetes, obesity, etc. The way we think about disease needs to change.

Changes to our environment. Western diet. the way babies are born (c-section), baby formula, sanitation, and antibiotics, all lead to decreased microbiome diversity, Exactly what we see in today's industrialized microbiome.

Currently, in the states, 60% of the calories eaten are ultra-processed and ultrally refined. This strips it of its natural ingredients and adds in a ton of processed sugars and chemicals.

When you look at quote healthy labels, it is hard to depict what is even in it. Most healthy labels are full of sugars and processed chemical components. Because of this, it is very hard to navigate what you should be eating. The food and wellness world is incredibly confusing.

Current recommendations in the United States recommend 28-40g of fiber per day, HOWEVER on average we are only eating 15g at most in the average American diet. The field of microbiome science is realizing we need to be eating access to 50g of fiber per day. If you don't feed your microbes fiber, they start to eat you. If you stop eating dietary fiber, the microbes need to start eating something. If there is no fiber, it will start to eat away at your mucosal gut lining and spread to various parts of your body, causing inflammation all over. Which can lead to many diseases such as IBD or IBS.

If a gut microbiome is very diverse and has a different variety of bacteria, then it can adapt to what life throws at us. A bouquet of possibilities.

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Puzzled by Melanie R.

You held on-

to life’s puzzle pieces

when you didn’t know where to start.

One piece at a time,

could finally see-

through pain and the tears in your heart.

Each piece of His wonder,

the pieces of you-

Great Love in the darkest of skies.

No, you didn’t stumble,

brought healing from Father

when puzzled in pieces of life.

You rounded the corners,

when jagged and cornered;

they started to fit perfectly.

Each piece in it’s place,

God’s guidance and grace

with beauty of Psalm 17.

#MitochondrialDisease #ChronicIllness #Gastroparesis #IrritableBowelSyndromeIBS #HypothyroidismUnderactiveThyroidDisease #HashimotosThyroiditis #RheumatoidArthritis #RareDisease #IdiopathicIntracranialHypertension #ChronicPain #ComplexRegionalPainSyndrome

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The Microbiome Diet

Hey all! Hope everyone is doing ok today. My name is Chloe and I have been diagnosed with Gastroparesis, Eosinophilic Esophagitis, GERD, IBS-C, Anemia, and Eosinophilic Asthma. I tried the medicine route the first 2 years I was diagnosed, and my health got significantly worse. I quit my care at my GI doctor last fall, and have thus taken my health into my own hands for the most part. I have healed a majority of my illness's thru food and diet. Gastroparesis and EOE give me a lot of food intolerances, and I base a lot of my diet on something called the microbiome diet. The microbiome diet focuses on healing your gut health, which is the root of a lot of GI disorders. Being on this diet has helped my health tremendously, and I would recommend it to anyone struggling with chronic illness, especially GI disorders. There is a book called, 'The Microbiome Diet' by Dr.Kellman that you can read, or I linked an article below that talks about the gut healing diet. Best of luck to everyone! The Microbiome Diet Review


The Microbiome Diet Review

The Microbiome Diet is a new, trendy diet, touted to restore gut health and aid weight loss. This article reviews the Microbiome Diet and whether it can restore your gut health.
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