Hypothyroidism (Underactive Thyroid Disease)

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So Pretty!

My Brain somehow can relate to these plants. For those that don't know, these are called skunk cabbage. They grow wild in damp, low lying areas. Later in the season, they will smell...really BaD!!! Lol. But, for now, aren't they pretty? #Fibromyalgia #HypothyroidismUnderactiveThyroidDisease #Anxiety #Arthritis #Grief #DistractMe

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Puzzled by Melanie R.

You held on-

to life’s puzzle pieces

when you didn’t know where to start.

One piece at a time,

could finally see-

through pain and the tears in your heart.

Each piece of His wonder,

the pieces of you-

Great Love in the darkest of skies.

No, you didn’t stumble,

brought healing from Father

when puzzled in pieces of life.

You rounded the corners,

when jagged and cornered;

they started to fit perfectly.

Each piece in it’s place,

God’s guidance and grace

with beauty of Psalm 17.

#MitochondrialDisease #ChronicIllness #Gastroparesis #IrritableBowelSyndromeIBS #HypothyroidismUnderactiveThyroidDisease #HashimotosThyroiditis #RheumatoidArthritis #RareDisease #IdiopathicIntracranialHypertension #ChronicPain #ComplexRegionalPainSyndrome

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Another Rosie pic for your Monday! Because everyone deserves a Rosie pic to start their day 😉 See how she sticks her whole nose in the rose? Lol

I would feel the same way....except on the days when she wakes me up with her grumbles about my sleeping late 😂 and yes they literally sound like a tiny frustrated person is trying to politely grumble someone awake 🤣

She is a Very talkative pup! Her sassy grunts of unhappiness if we don't pay her as much attention as she wants are the funniest things!

#AmplifiedMusculoskeletalPainSyndrome #Arthritis #Asthma #Anxiety #bedbound #BoneSplints #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #CheckInWithMe #ChronicPain #ChronicIllness #ComplexRegionalPainSyndrome #RareDisease #RheumatoidArthritis #SuicidalThoughts #Scoliosis #sciatica #ShinSplints #Depression #Disability #DistractMe #EhlersDanlosSyndrome #Endometriosis #Fibromyalgia #GastroesophagealRefluxDisease #Grief #HypothyroidismUnderactiveThyroidDisease #Insomnia #Lupus #Lymphedema #MentalHealth #MemoryLoss #MightyPets #MightyTogether #Migraine #JuvenileRheumatoidArthritis #PosturalOrthostaticTachycardiaSyndrome #Psoriasis #PTSD #PsoriaticArthritis #PanicAttack #PanicAttacks #Psychosis #plantarfasciitis

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